President’s Message

We had a successful lake association meeting last Saturday, on a beautiful summer day with 73 people in attendance.

Rick Berry passed the torch as Treasurer to Tom Quintino and Andre Cushing, who will co-chair the position and who will surely continue to lead us into a financially secure future just as Rick has done.

A HUGE thank you goes to all of the folks who stepped up to help set up the American Legion Hall early in the morning ahead of the meeting (it is usually done the night before but there was a function taking place on Friday night this year), and who stepped up to take the helm from Barbara Cloutier in order to ensure that we had a cookout after the meeting:

Thank you to Dick Barbour, Cedric Harkins, Brian Wilson, Tom Quintino, Andre Cushing, Dave McLeish, Lois Peters, Paul and Maureen Greene, and Midge who roused themselves out of bed to come help set up the chairs and move tables at 8:00 a.m.

Thank you to Mr. Stone for delivering the tents, lemonade, ice tea and a zillion other cookout items in spite of being unable to attend the meeting.

Thank you to Maureen Greene who stepped into the role of Lake Association ‘Hostess’ and assured that early morning refreshments were available and took charge of the desserts as they came in.

Thank you to Rick and Gail Perlmutter for providing a plethora of kitchen equipment that made serving all of the food safe and easy.

Thank you to Allan and Terry Fernald for picking up the hamburgers and hotdogs the morning of the meeting.

Thank you to Mark McKay for securing the gigantic grills to cook on.

Thank you to Myron Winders, Dave McLeish, Tom Quintino and Mark McKay for cooking the hamburgers, hotdogs and onions.

Thank you to all of the other attendees (who I am unable to name – Alicia Vining, Darcy Parlee, Cedric Harkins, Allan and Terry Fernald, Rick and Maryann Berry) for helping clean the table tops and replace them in their rightful places with all of the chairs on top.

Thank you to Dave McLeish, Mark McKay, Tom Quintino and Myron for taking the trash to the dump and for delivering all of Mr. Stone’s things back to his house.

If I missed anyone, please forgive me, and know that your contribution was appreciated.

In all of the excitement of the guest speaker and the new treasurers, I forgot to ask if it was the pleasure of the lake association members present to hold next year’s meeting in the same location at the same time, on the Saturday after the 4th of July, as is tradition.

I made the executive decision to schedule and secure with payment the American Legion Hall on Saturday, July 8, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. for next year’s lake association meeting.

Enjoy the remainder of the summer.


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